Prot Paladin Best In Slot Trinket

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Best in slot trinkets for prot paladin

Prot Paladin Best In Slot Trinket Wow Classic

Finger 1
Finger 2
Trinket 1
Trinket 2
You may Copy & Paste this best in slot list to your guild forum
Make sure you paste the code as BBCode in your thread. [list][*]Head [url=] [color=#a335ee]Helm of the Defiled Laboratorium [/color] [/url] [*]Hands [url=] [color=#a335ee]Waste Disposal Crushers [/color] [/url] [*]Neck [url=] [color=#e6cc80]Heart of Azeroth [/color] [/url] [*]Waist [url=] [color=#a335ee]Decontaminator's Greatbelt [/color] [/url] [*]Shoulder [url=] [color=#0070dd]Pauldrons of the Great Unifier [/color] [/url] [*]Legs [url=] [color=#a335ee]Greaves of Unending Vigil [/color] [/url] [*]Back [url=] [color=#a335ee]Cloak of Rippling Whispers [/color] [/url] [*]Feet [url=] [color=#a335ee]Warboots of Absolute Eradication [/color] [/url] [*]Chest [url=] [color=#0070dd]Desert Guardian's Breastplate [/color] [/url] [*]Finger 1 [url=] [color=#a335ee]Band of Certain Annihilation [/color] [/url] [*]Finger 2 [url=] [color=#a335ee]Rot-Scour Ring [/color] [/url] [*]Trinket 1 [url=] [color=#a335ee]Syringe of Bloodborne Infirmity [/color] [/url] [*]Wrist [url=] [color=#a335ee]Imperious Vambraces [/color] [/url] [*]Trinket 2 [url=] [color=#a335ee]Xalzaix's Veiled Eye [/color] [/url] [*]Mainhand [url=] [color=#a335ee]Luminous Edge of Virtue [/color] [/url] [*]Offhand [url=] [color=#a335ee]Barricade of Purifying Resolve [/color] [/url] [/list]Powered by [url=][/url]

It first presents the best in slot itemsbefore listing, slot by slot, all the items, with a level higher than 346,that you can acquire in the game. We also explain how you will be competingfor loot with other classes. The other pages of our Protection Paladin guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right. There are not as many needed macros as there used to be. I have excluded all mouseover, focus target and what other macros as you can just Google them. 13 is the first trinket slot and 14 is the second trinket slot. Adjust accordingly. 'Burst Cast Sequence':Used for Avenging Wrath/Crusade and On Use trinkets.


Best In Slot Trinkets For Prot Paladin


Prot Paladin Best In Slot Trinket Wow Classic

Finger 1
Finger 2
Trinket 1
Trinket 2
You may Copy & Paste this best in slot list to your guild forum
Make sure you paste the code as BBCode in your thread. [list][*]Head [url=] [color=#a335ee]Helm of the Defiled Laboratorium [/color] [/url] [*]Hands [url=] [color=#a335ee]Waste Disposal Crushers [/color] [/url] [*]Neck [url=] [color=#e6cc80]Heart of Azeroth [/color] [/url] [*]Waist [url=] [color=#a335ee]Decontaminator's Greatbelt [/color] [/url] [*]Shoulder [url=] [color=#0070dd]Pauldrons of the Great Unifier [/color] [/url] [*]Legs [url=] [color=#a335ee]Greaves of Unending Vigil [/color] [/url] [*]Back [url=] [color=#a335ee]Cloak of Rippling Whispers [/color] [/url] [*]Feet [url=] [color=#a335ee]Warboots of Absolute Eradication [/color] [/url] [*]Chest [url=] [color=#0070dd]Desert Guardian's Breastplate [/color] [/url] [*]Finger 1 [url=] [color=#a335ee]Band of Certain Annihilation [/color] [/url] [*]Finger 2 [url=] [color=#a335ee]Rot-Scour Ring [/color] [/url] [*]Trinket 1 [url=] [color=#a335ee]Syringe of Bloodborne Infirmity [/color] [/url] [*]Wrist [url=] [color=#a335ee]Imperious Vambraces [/color] [/url] [*]Trinket 2 [url=] [color=#a335ee]Xalzaix's Veiled Eye [/color] [/url] [*]Mainhand [url=] [color=#a335ee]Luminous Edge of Virtue [/color] [/url] [*]Offhand [url=] [color=#a335ee]Barricade of Purifying Resolve [/color] [/url] [/list]Powered by [url=][/url]

It first presents the best in slot itemsbefore listing, slot by slot, all the items, with a level higher than 346,that you can acquire in the game. We also explain how you will be competingfor loot with other classes. The other pages of our Protection Paladin guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right. There are not as many needed macros as there used to be. I have excluded all mouseover, focus target and what other macros as you can just Google them. 13 is the first trinket slot and 14 is the second trinket slot. Adjust accordingly. 'Burst Cast Sequence':Used for Avenging Wrath/Crusade and On Use trinkets.

Best In Slot Trinkets For Prot Paladin

Prot Paladin Best In Slot Trinket Box

BiS Gear (best in slot) is the list of the best items and enchantments you can get for your Fury Warrior and Prot Warrior in PvE. Thanks to Classic WoW community and many contributors, you can check here the best gear for your Warrior during all the phases of WoW Classic. No, shield for prot warrior stage 6 is not a mistake, take a look at the armor and block values. The stats on it from ClassicDB are wrong. These are the real stats. Shield of Condemnation 3425 Armor 68 Block +10 Stamina (other stats ignored as they are irrelevant) The Face of Death 3494 Armor 66 Block (Actually 87, with the Equip effect taken into consideration) +21 Stamina Equip: Increases.

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